누군가 세상을 떠나면 일반적으로 3일 또는 7일의 장례식을 치르고 7일씩 7번을 예를 갖추는 불교 행사는 49일이 되는 날 크게 법회를 하고 납골에 안치하는 날이다. 불교나 카톨릭에서는 카르마에 따른 결과를 기다리는 동안 지옥에 떨어지지 않기 위하여 기도를 한다. 여기에는 다분히 출생, 환생, 부처의 길이 있다. 불교나 타 종교의 진실을 떠나서 죽음을 대하는 의연한 모습과 시간과 공간에 한정되지 않는 우리의 인생을 돌아 볼 계기가 49제가 아닌가 싶다. 동양에서 특히 일본은 49제에 납골을 행하는 의식을 가진다.
When someone passes away, in addition to a funeral service that usually occurs three or seven days after the death, we have a ceremony on the 49th day. Traditionally, the period of 49 days after someone dies is seen as a time for that person to check their consciousness and digest their karma. According to Buddhist teaching the bodhisattva Ji Jang Bosal helps the deceased during these 49 days to perceive their karma so when they return they are reborn to help this world, rather than continue in the cycle of birth and death. Religious Buddhism teachers that there is a life in this body, then a time of investigation or consideration, and then a new life in a new body.
But the truth is, we don’t know what happens when we die. The Buddhist teaching about death can be helpful in that it gives us a good feeling, some sense of comfort in this mystery. This framework that can be helpful in the grieving process, but the Buddha taught that originally there is no life or death. Our true self is infinite in time and space. Don’t Know Mind doesn’t have a beginning or an ending. Zen Master Seung Sahn’s teaching is to wake up in this moment and attain our true nature. When we keep a Don’t Know Mind we are addressing the big question of life and death moment to moment. The big meaning of a 49-day ceremony is to wake up just now. Actually, whenever anybody dies, they are teaching us that we must wake up, because our lives only occur in this moment
仏教では故人が死んでから仏様の世界へ行くまで期間を四十九日としているので忌明けの四十九日(七七日忌)は手厚く行われます。知人、親族が仏前に集まって僧侶に読経をしてもらったのち喪主から順に焼香をします。この日に遺骨を埋葬することもあります。 その後は自宅や寺院の施設、料理店などで喪主が会食の宴を開きます。菓子折りや、のり、お茶などを粗供養として出す事もあります。以上の様に四十九日は故人にとって新仏になる準備が整った事と、遺族にとっても死者のけがれがとれる大事な日として手厚く行うのが習わしです。
49제는 가족의 묘지가 있는 사찰에서 진행한다.
49 days Memorial ceremony at the temple by the family tomb.
법요식이 끝나면 묘지에 납골을 안치한다.
After the memorial service, to ashes in the tomb
관습에 의한 소금, 쌀, 과일 등 뿌린다.
Manners and customs Salt. rice, sprinkled
위패와 영정만 남는다.
Mortuary tablet. funeral photo
다른 사람의 죽음을 통하여 자신의 죽음을 엿본다.
Look at the others ' deaths, thinking about own my death