The Kabuki-za was originally opened by a Meiji era journalist, Fukuchi Gen'ichirō. Fukuchi wrote kabuki dramas in which Ichikawa Danjūrō IX and others starred; upon Danjūrō's death in 1903, Fukuchi retired from the management of the theater.The theater is now run by the Shochiku Corporation which took over in 1914. The original Kabuki-za was a wooden structure, built in 1889 on land which had been either the Tokyo residence of the Hosokawa clan of Kumamoto, or that of Matsudaira clan of Izu. The building was destroyed on October 30, 1921, by an electrical fire.The reconstruction, which commenced in 1922, was designed to "be fireproof, yet carry traditional Japanese architectural styles. while using Western building materials and lighting equipment. Reconstruction had not been completed when it again burned down during the 1923 Great Kantō earthquake. Rebuilding was finally completed in 1924. The theater was destroyed once again by Allied bombing during World War. It was restored in 1950. preserving the style of 1924 reconstruction, and was until recently one of Tokyo's more dramatic and traditional buildings. The 1950 structure was demolished in the spring of 2010, and rebuilt over the ensuing three years. Reasons cited for the reconstruction include concerns over the building's ability to survive earthquakes, as well as accessibility issues. New theatre complex, which took place on March 28, 2013
공연 전에 인사하고 공연 마친 후 인사하지 않는 룰이다.
S석에만 도시락이 나온다.
가부키나 일본 무용, 가족만으로 승계하는 것을 원칙.
가부키 이해가 쉽지 않다.
가부키 명물 모나카 아이스크림
가부키 명물 모나카 아이스크림2
일본인의 전통 연극 가부키 가격도 높고
방석에 앉아 도시락 먹는 소풍처럼 긴 공연이다.
A traditional Japanese theatrical High price of Kabuki,
long time sit down eat to lunch, like a picnic performance.
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