Annual Festival of Tomioka hachimangu shrine is around 8/15. Akasaka shrine Sanno Festival and Kanda Festival in the Kanda Myojin is counted one of the Edo 3 Festival, popularly called "Fukagawa Hachiman Festival". Is called a regular Festival, every 3 years, your 鳳輦 hachimangu shrine to floats, large and small along with town Mikoshi 120 number of houseboats, Minnie 54 just big Mikoshi in the, association participates as a is unique to Fukagawa Hachiman Festival.
神輿- 미코시는 일본 최대의 1991년 (헤이세이 3년)에 만들어진 거대한 모양이다. 2008년 (헤이세이 20년)의 히라 이즈미 세계 유산 등록 기념하여, 히라 이즈미의 미코시가 특별하게 참여하기도 했다.
Festival is held every year on August 15, mainly. Tomioka Hachiman Festival and Fukagawa Hachiman Festival is same name..
Shrine Mikoshi of one of our largest portable shrines in Japan and to too much size alone made the first floats (0/1991) in 1991, after being treated as Mikoshi warehouse exhibits. Wishes to hiraizumi world heritage registration association participates in 2008 (0/2008), and participated in special Portable Shrine in hiraizumi.
협동, 단결,질서, 시원한 느낌 보인다.
Collaboration, unity, order, cool feel.
협동, 단결,질서, 시원한 느낌 보인다.2
Collaboration, unity, order, cool feel.
와쇼우 와쇼우 힘찬 구호와 손을 씻고 물을 뿌리면서 관중과 호흡하고 하나가 된다.
Aka "wasshoi, wasshoi" cheer and water rail Festival, characterized from the roadside people and spectators are combined.
54개 연합의 120개의 크고 작은 미코시가 등장한다. 거대한 축제다.
Large and small Mikoshi 120 , Minnie 54 just big Mikoshi in the association participates as a something unique to Fukagawa hachimangu Matsuri Festival.
개도 물축제에 참가하여 물벼락 맞음.
Dog also go to the water Festival
시원한 여름 축제다.