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Japanese culture


코스프레(일본어: コスプレ 코스프레.-의상 연출, 의상 연기 등의 의상을 입는 것을, 일본어식 영어: cosplay) 또는 코스튬 플레이(영어: costume play)는 애니메이션이나 만화의 캐릭터, 혹은 인기 연예인의  의상을 꾸미어 입고 촬영회나 행사, 기타 장소에서 놀거나 '전시'하는 행위이다. 코스프레를 하는 사람들을 코스플레이어(일본어: コスプレイヤー  코스프레이아 cosplayer)라고 한다. 일본 코스프레는 상당히 인기 있는 캐릭터의 옷을 입는 젊은층이 많다.

Cosplay (コスプレ kosupure), a contraction of the words costume play, is a performance art in which participants called cosplayers wear costumes and fashion accessories to represent a specific character. Cosplayers often interact to create a subculture and a broader use of the term "cosplay" applies to any costumed role-playing in venues apart from the stage. Any entity that lends itself to dramatic interpretation may be taken up as a subject and it is not unusual to see genders switched. Favorite sources include manga and anime, comic books and cartoons, video games, and live-action films and television series. The rapid growth in the number of people cosplaying as a hobby since 1990 has made the phenomenon a significant aspect of popular culture in Japan and some other parts of Asia and in the Western world. Cosplay events are common features of fan conventions and there are also dedicated conventions and local and international competitions, as well as social networks, websites and other forms of media centered on cosplay activities.

コスプレとはアニメやゲームなどの登場人物やキャラクターに扮する行為を指す。それらのジャンルの愛好者や同人サークルが集まるコミックマーケット、同人誌即売会を始めとする各種イベント、また、ビジュアル系バンドのライブ会場等で見かけられる。 コスプレを行う人をコスプレイヤー (cosplayer) と呼ぶ。コスプレはコスチューム・プレイを語源とする和製英語だが、世界中で通用する単語であり,英語表記のcosplayは、イギリスの辞書に載っている英単語である.近年は意味が拡大し、特定の職業で採用されている制服や特定の着衣を好む者が、その衣装を真似て作った服もしくは本物を着て、自らの意志でそのキャラクターになりきることもコスプレと呼ぶことがある.しかし、狭義のコスプレに限るべしとの意見もある.

만화 주인공처럼 옷을 입는다.

To get dressed like a cartoon hero


일년에 한 번 열리는 코스프레 대회

Cosplay contest is held once a year


동물 코스프레

Animal Cosplay


멋진 포즈
There are many great poses

만화 주인공처럼 옷을 입는다.

Dress up as cartoon hero


특별해지고 싶은 나이

Wish special age


나이가 들면 코스프레가 어려울 것이다.

can not use  to cosplay an old person


즐기는 코스프레

Enjoying a cosplay

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